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Building Strong Teams in Agriculture and the Food System: Strategies for Success

This week in my undergraduate Communication and Leadership in Groups and Teams class we were discussing stress. As part of the conversation I asked, "what are somethings which cause you stress?" In addition to the expected answers including deadlines, relationships, and sports (it is football season in the SEC) one student mentioned ambiguity. This was a unique answer and made me pause and think about how often not knowing can be stressful, and particular how lack of clarity can have negative effects individually and on teams. My blog post this week shares the results of a research study I conducted with several amazing colleagues looking at project team satisfaction - specifically, what improves satisfaction among team members. We analyzed variables including clarity, frustration, fit, and justice, and their impact on overall team satisfaction. Although based in the classroom our results might be applicable in broader contexts and may help to improve project team satisfaction more broadly in the agriculture and food system.

Agricultural Team

Key Findings

Our study confirmed that several factors greatly influence member satisfaction when working in teams, particularly:

  • Clear Communication: When team members understand their tasks and roles, satisfaction with the team experience improves significantly. Clear instructions help teams work together more smoothly and avoid confusion.

  • Managing Frustration: Frustration within a team can seriously reduce satisfaction. The more frustrated members feel, the less likely they are to enjoy or learn from the experience. Managing this frustration through clear expectations and good communication can make a big difference in team success.

These findings show that leaders have a major impact on how well teams function. When leaders communicate clearly and check in regularly with teams, members are more likely to have a positive and productive experience. Below are the details of our findings:

Research Results

Practical Takeaways for Leaders

For leaders, particularly those responsible for teams, focusing on two key strategies can significantly improve team satisfaction:

  • Provide Clear Instructions: Make sure members fully understand their roles and responsibilities by giving clear, detailed instructions. Asking members to repeat back instructions can help ensure clarity.

  • Monitor Team Frustration: Pay attention to signs of frustration within teams and step in when needed to provide support or clarification.


While teamwork can be challenging, the benefits of working in teams far outweigh the difficulties, especially when clear communication and frustration management are prioritized. By focusing on these strategies, leaders can help ensure members are more satisfied and better able to perform. I've included the full manuscript below if you would like to read more. Please be sure to include your insights using the comments below.

Lamm, K. W., Powell, A., Randall, N. L., Nguyen, N. P., & Lamm, A. J. (2020). Undergraduate project team satisfaction: Analysis of a theoretically derived structural model. Journal of Agricultural Education, 61(2), 307-323.


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